Data Protection Policy

The protection of information pertaining to you and identifying you, such as your name, telephone number, e-mail address or IP address (so-called “personal data”), is very important to us. Therefore, we operate this website and the services offered by us on it in compliance with the applicable data protection laws, particularly including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (“FDPA”).

We would like to tell you how we process your personal data in this regard.

  1. Controller and Data Protection Officer
    1. Name and contact data of the Controller and its representative
      TIVEN GmbH, Unterer Anger 3, 80331 München
    2. Name and contact data of the contact person regarding Data Protection
      E-mail address of our contact person regarding Data Protection:
  2. Processing of personal data
    1. Accessing the website
      When you access this website, your personal data, including your IP address for example, must be processed. The further processing of personal data in the provision of special services and the use of cookies is described separately below. When you access this website, we process personal data as follows:
      1. Purpose of processing
        When you access this website, we process your personal data in order to provide and operate this website and ensure technical security.
      2. Legal basis of processing
        We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data when you access this website.
        We have weighed our interest in providing, operating and securing this website against your interest in the confidentiality of your personal data. Your interest in confidentiality is overridden. It would be technical impossible to provide the website without processing personal data. The same applies to the operation and security of the website. The security of the website also serves your interests.
      3. Recipients/ categories of recipients of your personal data
        We disclose your personal data to the following company as a technical service provider: domainfactory GmbH, Oskar-Messter-Str. 33, 85737 Ismaning
        When you open the application form for our newsletter, we also disclose your personal data to the following service provider: THE ROCKET SCIENCE GROUP LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon AveNE #5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA (“Rocket”)
      4. Duration of storage of your personal data
        We store your personal data for as long as necessary in order to allow you to access this website each time. As an exception to this, data are stored by Rocket on our behalf for as long as necessary to operate and secure the facilities of Rocket.
      5. Processing of your personal data in third countries
        When you open the application form for our newsletter, Rocket processes your personal data on our behalf in the United States. The United States does not provide an adequate level of data protection. However, Rocket processes the data within the scope of standard data protection clauses.
      6. Obligation to provide your personal data
        You are not obligated to provide personal data. However, it is not possible for you to access this website without your personal data.
    2. Cookies
      When you access this website, your personal data may be processed in connection with the use of so-called “cookies”. Cookies are text files that are stored on your terminal device and are necessary for certain functions of this website. The cookies used on this website are erased at the latest when you close the browser. You can configure your browser settings in accordance with your wishes and refuse to accept third-party cookies or all cookies, for example. Please note that you may not be able to use all the functions of this website if you do this. We process your personal data in connection with the use of cookies on this website as follows:
      1. Purpose of processing
        We process your personal data in connection with the use of cookies in order to provide certain functions of this website to you.
      2. Legal basis for processing
        The processing of your personal data in connection with the use of cookies on this website is done on the basis of our legitimate interest. We have weighed our interest in providing the functions of this website that are dependent on cookies against your interest in the confidentiality of your personal data. Your interest in confidentiality is overridden. It would not be technically possible to provide the functions without processing personal data. However, you have the option mentioned above of preventing the processing of your personal data in connection with the use of cookies.
      3. Recipients/ categories of recipients of your personal data
        We disclose your personal data to the following company as a technical service provider: domainfactory GmbH, Oskar-Messter-Str. 33, 85737 Ismaning
      4. Duration of storage of your personal data
        We store your personal data for as long as necessary for the use of cookies every time you access this website.
      5. Obligation to provide your personal data
        You are not obligated to provide personal data. If you do not provide your personal data, it may not be possible to use all the functions of this website.
    3. Contact form
      You can contact us by using our contact form on this website. When you do that, we process your personal data as follows:
      1. Purpose of processing
        We process your personal data in order to process your inquiry.
      2. Legal basis for processing
        The processing of your personal data in order to process your inquiry is done on the basis of our legitimate interest.
        We have weighed our interest in providing the contact form against your interest in the confidentiality of your personal data. Your interest in confidentiality is overridden. It would not be possible to process your inquiry without processing personal data.
      3. Recipients/ categories of recipients of your personal data
        We disclose your personal data to the following company as a technical service provider: domainfactory GmbH, Oskar-Messter-Str. 33, 85737 Ismaning
      4. Duration of storage of your personal data
        We store your personal data for as long as necessary to process each inquiry.
      5. Obligation to provide your personal data
        You are not obligated to provide your personal data. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields. It would not be possible to process your inquiry without this personal data. The other information is voluntary and is meant to simplify the processing of your inquiry.
    4. Newsletter
      When you order our newsletter on this website, we process your personal data as follows:
      1. Purpose of processing
        We process your personal data in order to provide our newsletter to you.
      2. Legal basis for processing
        The processing of your personal data is done on the basis of the consent granted by you.
      3. Recipients/ categories of recipients of your personal data
        We disclose your personal data to the following company as a service provider: THE ROCKET SCIENCE GROUP LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave,Atlanta, USA (“Rocket”)
        In addition, we disclose your personal data to the following company as a service provider: BNT.DE GmbH, Löwengasse 27E, 60385 Frankfurt/Main (“BNT.DE”)
      4. Duration of storage of your personal data
        We store your data for as long as necessary for providing the newsletter to you.
      5. Involvement of third countries in the processing of your personal data
        Rocket processes your personal data on our behalf in the United States. The United States does not provide an adequate level of data protection. However, Rocket processes the data within the scope of standard data protection clauses.
      6. Obligation to provide your personal data
        You are not obligated to provide personal data. Your e-mail address is a mandatory item of information. We would not be able to provide our newsletter to you without these personal data. The other information is voluntary. However, we would be unable to personalize the newsletter for you without this information.
    5. Annual report
      You have the option of requesting our latest annual report on this website. If you do this, we will process your personal data as follows:
      1. Purpose of processing
        We process your personal data in order to send you our latest annual report.
      2. Legal basis for processing
        The processing of your personal data is done on the basis of the consent granted by you.
      3. Recipients/ categories of recipients of your personal data
        We disclose your personal data to the following company as a technical service provider: domainfactory GmbH, Oskar-Messter-Str. 33, 85737 Ismaning
      4. Duration of storage of your personal data
        We store your personal data for as long as necessary to send you our latest annual report.
      5. Obligation to provide your personal data
        You are not obligated to provide your personal data. The fields of the order form that are marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields. We would not be able to process your inquiry without this personal data. The other information is voluntary and can simplify the processing of your request.
    6. YouTube
      We embed in our website (under “Career”) YouTube videos produced by us. YouTube LLC, a subsidiary of Google LLC, constitutes thereby a third party not associated with us. The videos are integrated in “extended data protection mode”, so that according to Google your personal data, especially your IP-address and your browser-activity, is transmitted to YouTube LLC and thus also to Google LLC,  only when you click on or type in the integrated video, watch the video or you are transferred to another website or app. In doing so, you consent to the transfer of your personal data. If you are logged in to Google, the accessed data is automatically assigned to your member account. You may prevent this by logging out of your member account before entering our website. YouTube LLC as well as Google LLC use your data – whether or not you are logged in – inter alia for advertising and marketing purposes. The storage and processing of the data takes place pursuant to the data usage policy of YouTube LLC and Google LLC. In order to exercise your right of objection, you have to contact YouTube LLC directly. For more information in this regard, please refer to the data protection regulations of Google LLC, inter alias under and
  3. Your rights as a data subject
    You can freely revoke any consent granted under data protection law at any time with effect for the future; we provide details on this subject when you grant your consent. Processing performed before a revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.
    You have the right to demand information about your personal data that we process at any time. If your personal data are incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to rectification and completion. You can demand the erasure of your personal data at any time provided that we are not legally required or entitled to continue processing your data. When the legal conditions are met, you can demand a restriction of processing of your personal data.
    You have the right to object to processing if the data processing is done for purposes of direct advertising or profiling. You can object to processing performed on the basis of our legitimate interest on grounds relating to your particular situation.
    If the processing is done on the basis of your consent or in connection with a contract, you have the right of transfer of the data you provided if that does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.
    With respect to the processing described in this data protection policy, you can exercise the aforementioned rights by sending an e-mail to our Data Protection Officer.
    In addition, you have the right at any time to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority if you believe that data processing is being done in violation of applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Existence of automated decision making, including profiling
    Automated decision making/ profiling is not done on this website.